Thursday, August 28, 2008

Captain Destructo Strikes Again!!!

The last night Ryan and I were watching TV trying to wind down from our day when I realized that the kiddos had been quiet for quite some time. This is not something usual in our home! So I got up and went to check on the boys, and that's when I realized that Capt. Destructo (Isaac) had been at it again. I quickly called Ryan over so he could see what HIS son had done.

Yes Isaac took the closet door down and began using it as a ramp for his car and a slide for himself. And what did his siblings do?? Well they joined right in but quickly ratted him out when I questioned them. Oh the joy of having sons!!!


amberd. said...

(giggling hysterically) hehehehehe.


man thats some funny stuff!!! i love ur kiddos..