Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Torture Device!!!!

I have always suspected that treadmills are torture devices, I mean you run and run and run and still get no where, but I didn't have the proof until two days ago. After setting Isaac down for his nap, I decided to get on the treadmill and work out a little. I was huffing and puffin when all of a sudden I heard a blood curdling scream, I pulled out the emergency key, looked over my shoulder and there was little Isaac. He stuck his hand in between the conveyor and the base of the treadmill!! It was horrible, I felt so bad for him that it made me nauseous. Panicking I called Ryan to tell him that I was going to take Isaac to the ER and to meet me there so one of us would take the other two boys home. He calmed me down and told me to call the doctor because the hospital was probably just going to bandage him up, and like most times he was right. So my little boy now has a Phantom of the Opera hand!!! My poor boy, I still feel so guilty!!

1 comment:

Sariahfied said...

Bless his little heart!!! It is always so horible when they get hurt, wish we could hurt for them!