Friday, October 10, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday Nathan!!!

Nathan's Birthday was last Sunday Oct. 5th. I know I'm pretty lame just posting about his birthday but life as been kinda crazy. I can't believe my little opinionated man is already four years old. It seems like just yesterday Ryan and I were driving to the hospital calling family to let them know it was time. That was the night that grandpa Richie broke many many many speeding laws trying to get to Las Cruces in time to see his first grandson. And after 8 hours of delivery, which I totally did not mind because of the wonderful drugs given to me by that angel anesthesiologist, little Nathan Ryan Williamson was placed in my arms, but not before grandpa and dad checked to make sure he had all ten fingers and toes.

Here are some pics of Nathan's Pirate Birthday Party:

A special thanks to my daddy-o for providing nachos, which I had been craving, and delicious hot dogs. And to Krystle and Barry Ricks for Nathan's awesome Pirate cake.


Sariahfied said...

I remember! Cant belive it has been 4 years! Happy late birthday Nathan!

Jeppson Clan said...

What a fun pirate party! Shiver me timbers that is an awesome cake! Your boys are all so cute. Nathan looks like a mini-Ryan in header picture at the top of your blog. If you do get a girl this time around at least you know you make good looking kids!

amberd. said...

I love the pirate party and cake! Don't you hate it when you know your kids aren't going to be babies anymore? Stinks. I'm feeling it this year (BAAAADD!) Lincoln turned four in the summer, and with each passing month, he seems to be more and more grown up. aaaaah! Where are the babies?

Maren said...

Jumping off of what amberd said, I sometimes envy my mom because she had six children which means she was quite ready for me (the baby) to grow up. She probably had her fill of babies, and actually had grandbabies before I was fully grown. But then I think of six kids, and then that envy goes swiftly away.

Hey, you need to check out my last posting, it involves you!