Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Late Easter!!!

Holy moly! I'm behind on my blogging!! Life has been crazy, but it seems like the boys are going to grant me a couple of minutes of calm time so here I am!! I hope I have been missed. Easter was great as always this year. It has always been a tradition in my family that for Easter every kid gets a cute outfit to wear to church. Now having 3 boys hasn't made it always exiting but this year Ryan and I decided to really get into it. So we got the boys new church suits. They were so stinking cute!! ( I might be a bit partial) But oh no, I did not stop there. I made sure to get all my boys matching ties, and yes this includes Ryan. Needless to say I almost cried when I saw them all together on Sunday morning. I know I know I'm a bit hormonal!!!! Well I got so into my boys and what they were going to wear for easter that I totally forgot about ME!!! So there I am on Sunday morning trying to put together a cute outfit with maternity clothing!! Thank goodness for tights or I would have been showing quite a bit of leg.
sorry still not quite sure how to rotate pics on the blog.
My handsome boys.
Best pic of the family we could get. Kids were tired and momma was hungry.
Well after church we had a traditional Easter dinner and then the kids went easter egg hunting. This was the first time I had to so many people at the our new house, and suprisingly I did not freak out. GO ME!!!
Benjamin and Nathan searching for eggs.
Isaac took a bit longer to find eggs b/c everytime he would find one he would stop open it and say "OH WOW!!"